
Showing posts from April, 2020

Digit sequence detection of SVHN dataset

  Unlike single digit detection problem like MNIST, images in SVHN dataset have more than one digit in series. SVHN Samples. Ref: In this project, we used MSER detection and modified pre-trained VGG16 convolutional neural network to predict the digit sequence given a random image in SVHN dataset. Besides VGG16, we also used non-pre-trained VGG16 and self-built a much smaller CNN as comparisons. VGG16 Architecture. Ref:  Self-built CNN  The pipeline of the prediction is as: MSER detect blob regions →  CNN  find ROIs(regions of interest) → Combine overlapped/near ROIs →  CNN  Find Digits For training purposes, we mark each image with five integers as the label. The first four integers represent digits in the image, with 0 as no digit for that position and 1-10 representing 1-9 and 0. The fifth integer represents whether the area has any digit, with 0 represent a non-digit area and 1 as a window with d